Summer Prevention

Taking Action

Moving Tips

Care and Prevention

How to take care of your pet during summer
Common sense
tells most people that leaving their pet inside a parked vehicle on a hot,

summer day could be dangerous after an extended period of time. 

But most people don't realize that the temperature can skyrocket after just a few minutes.
Parking in the shade or leaving the windows cracked does little to alleviate this pressure cooker. 

On a warm, sunny day windows collect light, trapping heat inside the vehicle, 
and pushing the temperature inside to dangerous levels. On hot and humid days, 
the temperature in a car parked in direct sunlight can rise more than 30 degrees per minute,
and quickly become lethal. 

Pets, more so than humans, are susceptible to overheating and are much less efficient at
cooling themselves than people are. 

Dogs, for example, are designed to conserve heat. Their sweat glands, which exist 
on their nose and the pads of their feet, are inadequate for cooling during hot days. 

Panting and drinking water helps cool them, but if they only have overheated air to breathe,
dogs can suffer brain and organ damage after just 15 minutes. Short-nosed breeds, 
like pugs and bulldogs, young pets, seniors or pets with weight, respiratory, cardiovascular
or other health problems are especially susceptible to heat-related stress.
Taking Action
Moving – How to move your pet safely

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